I got my yoga in every day this week and I noticed that I can touch my toes with no problem. I don't remember the last time I could do that but I'm super flexible now--so watch out!
Needless to say, I stayed at home most of the day, worked from home, and enjoyed the air. I planned on going to a basketball game with the youth at my church but it was cancelled at the last minute so me and my friend Ashley went to the Castleberry Hills Art Stroll. It was cool. Slice was jumping as usual, and the newly added "Noir" was also pretty packed. Monica Tookes'gallery was closed for the night and I was disappointed because in my opinion, it has the best art in Castleberry.

Okay so Chapter 8 of Judges starts out with with the men of Ephraim mad at Gideon 'cause he didn't call them. lol! They wanted to go fight the Midianites too! But he handled them well, calming their nerves and their anger went away. Gideon's 300 men were exhausted but still in pursuit but the leaders of Succoth and Penuel wouldn't give them any bread, they were probably scared of the Midianites. Gideon told them that he would come back for them once he captured Zebah and Zalmunna,the two kings of Midian. Gideon attacked the army of people of the east and took the two kings. He caught a young man of Succoth and questioned him about where his leaders were. Then he went to the men of Succoth and tore their flesh with thorns and briers and he went to the tower of Penuel and killed the men of the city. Then he told Zebah and Zalmunna if they had not killed his brother, they would have lived. Then he told his son to kill them but he was afraid because he was young so Gideon killed them and took the crescent ornaments that were on their camels' necks. The men of Israel wanted Gideon to rule over them but Gideon turned them down telling them that the Lord shall rule over them. Once Gideon died, the children of Israel played the harlot with the Baals, and made Baal-Berith their god. And they didn't show kindness to the house of Gideon (Jerubbaal) even though he had done ggood for them.
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