Yeah, fell asleep last night. Nose getting stuffy, throat scratchy but I'm going pray that it will pass by and everything will be normal when I wake up tomorrow, and drink some tea. Well, after my yoga, I spent most of the morning touching basis with clients when I got a call from an old friend and we talked for about an hour, catching up with each other's lives. Great to hear that her and her *young* family are doing swell! Keep the calls coming people! Love it! I went to look at houses with a client and started talking about life and goals, entrepreneurship, you know all the good stuff. I was inspired yet again. Afterward, I bounced to Barnes & Noble and I started looking through magazines and reading books. One quote I came across caught my eye. I can't remember the name of the book but it said, "Infinite patience produces immediate results." I thought that was a little profound, it went on to explain that infinite patience implies an absolute certainty that what you'd like to manifest will indeed show up, in perfect order, and exactly on time. The immediate result you receive from this inner knowing is a sense of peace. Every time I read it, it calms my spirit if I'm anxious about something/anything. It reminded me of a few of my favorite scriptures: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7 (Worry about nothing, Pray about Everything). And, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us" -Ephesians 3:20
Shortly after that, I walked out of Barnes & Noble with more peace than I had when I walked in. I stopped by my mom's.

I also stopped by and took pictures of a my client's house that I put on the market--if you know of someone who was a nice nearly new brick townhome in East Point, to rent or purchase, let me know!

Okay, so Judges, chapter 6 is interesting. You know how it starts by now--the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord so the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian for 7 years. The Midianites and Amalekites would constantly come up against them, so the children of Israel cried out to the Lord and He sent a prophet to them telling them all that God had done for them, not to fear the gods of the Amorites, and told them that they have not obeyed Him.
An Angel of the Lord came to Gideon and told him that the Lord is with him. Gideon was like well, if you are with us, why has all this happened to us? God told him to go with his strength and save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Gideon was asking God how could he save Israel when his clan is the weakest and he is the least in his fathers house. But the Lord assurred Gideon that He would be with him. Gideon was like okay, but show me a sign that it is You that is speaking. The Angel of the Lord showed out and Gideon was fearful. The Lord told Gideon not to fear and he built an altar to the Lord.
That same night the Lord told him to take his father's bull and tear down the altar of Baal that his father had and the wooden image beside it. When Gideon did that, people were looking for him but his father, Joash, was like if Baal is a 'god', let him take care of himself. Then all the Midianites and Amalekites gathered together. But, the spirit of God came upon Gideon and he blew his horn and the Abiezrites gathered behind him and he sent messengers out and people from different areas came up to meet him. The Gideon asked God again for two more signs that He will save Israel by his hand and He said and God passed both test for signs that Gideon asked for.
Gideon was not playing--he wanted to be for sure, for sure that God was with him and that God was not just filling his head up. God wasn't mad at him for that because God knew that Gideon intended to obey Him. But those who test Him to reinforce their doubt earn His anger (Psalms 95:8-11)
Hey girl, hope you're feeling better! I missed you the other day! The quote that you discovered is truly inspiring, I'm working on alot of areas in my life, patience and faith (especially faith)being two of the many, many, many areas of focus! I'll continue to work at it, because eventually, its going to come naturally, and even then....I would still have to put in work (realizing that just when you think you've made it/you have 'arrived', that's when you fall.) Life is a trip huh?!??!?!?!
Clemente and I went to Montgomery this past week and went to church and saw everybody. Granny asked about you. I told her you were doing well, and pulled up your blog to show her just how well you were doing!!! She told me to tell you "hey sugar"!
I'll holla back at cha later! Stay positive!
I guess we all have a little Gideon in us.... I am reminded of that scripture that God encourages us to "try him" and he will pour out blessing that will be overflowing (Malachai 3: 9-10). Though this is referring to giving, it also ties into faith and patience.
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