I went to my complex's HOA meeting and formally met my melting pot of neighbors. Of course, it didn't end without a little drama, two neighbors arguing and one walking out so they kept the meeting interesting and me awake. Looking at the diversity of all of us reminded me of a season of "Real World", except this is the real world.

I contacted clients, cooked Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and strawberry muffins, washed my hair, (see pic <-- Keanna au naturale :) read judges, learned more about how FICO scores are calculated (through a PODCAST; www.mywealthmatters.com). I got a call from a college friend in Alabama (shouts to Mr & Mrs Grimes--young black Christian love yeah!) Clemete called to see how I was doing which was so funny because I just emailed Rohonda, his wife, yesterday. He said they haven't even checked the email. I thought that was interestingly ironic. It's always good to hear from good old friends.
I didn't make it to the girls night out because of the shakes, lol, but I'm sure there will be more. (Thanks for the invite B!)
Oh, I got a little more insight on Israel's constant failures in Judges 2. God was so not pleased with the children of Israel. They blanatly disobeyed Him by worshiping other gods even though it was God who brought them out of the land of Egypt. But God still had mercy on them by raising up judges who delivered them out of the hand of their enemies yet they didn't even listen to the judges--they "played the harlot". He was angry with them because they forsook Him, yet he was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who oppressed them so He delivered them and they went right back to doing the same thing. Umph. That's crazy. I wonder how does God feel about the things we do today. The things (gods) that we indirectly or directly "worship" (other people--celebrities, loved ones, jobs, money, success, etc). Does He get angry with us today as He did with the children of Israel?
Well, something to ponder.
I'm about to listen to another business PODCAST and work on more ideas for the Lifestyles of Rush! (Go Rush!)
Ironic indeed!!!
What's up girl??? What's so ironic is the fact that you had been on my mind, and my husband (without me mentioning anything to him)gave you a call! You know what they say...great minds think alike!
Your reading on Judges is sounding more and more interesting, I think i may have to start reading:) There's alot i know i can learn from it! To answer your question about God getting angry with us as he did the children of Isreal. Girl sometimes i think to myself "Why/How does God put up with me?" But it's all about working in order to better yourself. Life is a learning experience. Everything that we go through......EVERTHING is a learning experience, whether we wish to take heed or not is up to that individual. So i say, continue to stay positve, encircle yourself with positive people, and continue to search for the truth: whether it be spiritually, physically, mentally, or emotionally. Be well
Yeah, I'm learning ALOT! And it's cool. I like to learn. Thanks Ro!
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