Fri 6.15.07
I worked! Sent out an issue of the newsletter for the college students. I was also trying to get my list of things to do for the party on Friday, for business, for myself, and such. So you gotta come thru!

Sat 6.16.07
I wasn't going to go 'cause parking was $5 but I called up my aunt and caught a ride to a wedding of a young couple at my church. It's the second wedding I've been to that I wasn't in so it felt good to sit back and watch the show. It was very nice. Had you feeling all warm and mushy. lol! My aunt had to bounce before the reception and I was sad 'cause I was hungry, then I went to my mom's house and she didn't cook for me. No pressure, I mosied on back to my house and fixed some cheese and eggs (my little staple) worked, and hung out on Peters all night.
Sun 6.17.07
Got up early for early morning service (Happy Father's Day to all the ones doing it right, doing it big!) And I slept, and slept, and slept. I bounced over to Step's to help her with her wedding invitations and went back to church--Brandon preached a sermon! Did a great job! Shouts to Pastor Brandon! I tried to take a picture but the batteries in my camera decided that they didn't want to work for me any more and quit. I got something for them. I'm getting some rechargeables as soon as I recharge my funds!

Chapter 15 of Judges Samson visits his wife after a period of time but her father wouldn't allow Samson to go into her room and told him that he had given her to Samson's best man because her father thought Samson hated her. So Samson used foxes to destroy the Philistines' shocks and standing grain, and vineyards and olive groves. When the Philistines were told that Samson did it, and the reason he did it, they went up and burned his wife and her father to death. The Philistines were looking for Samson so the Israelites (they didn't want Samson to start no trouble with them) tied him up for the Philistines. When the Philistines came toward him, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily, and the ropes on his arm became like charred flax and the bonds broke loose from his hands. He took a fresh jawbone of a donkey and killed a thousand men with it. Ha! Forget Densel, King Kong ain't got nothing on Samson!
Samson was on a roll but things start to get a little shaky. Chapter 16 begins with Samson going to Gaza, seeing a harlot, and went in to her. Then some time later, he fell in love with a woman in the Valley of Sorek, Delilah. The rulers of the Philistines went to her and asked her to entice him--find out where his strength lies and how they could overpower him and they would give her 1100 pieces of silver. She pressured Samson to tell her his secret to his strength and he lied to her three times. Then she was like how could you love me but not confide in me? (She really manipulated "love") So he told her his secret and she called a man to shave off his hair and his strength left him (his strength was not magical power in his hair but it was in the empowering of the Spirit, which he had lost through disobedience) Samson awoke and tried to get free but he didn't know that the Lord had left him and the Philistines took him and put out his eyes, bound him and put him in prison. His hair began to grow back after it had been shaven. The Philistines gathered to relish in their "god's accomplishment" of delivering Samson to them and had Samson to perform for them. Well, Samson prayed to God to strengthen him just once more and Samson killed more people at his death than he did all his life.
Chapter 17: Now Chapter 17 is interesting. It talks about personal idolatry, Micah's idols. Micah set up a a little worship center in his house (somewhere other than a tabernacle) and invited a Levite in and gave him 10 shekels of silver a year, clothes, and food to be his priest. Hmmmm???
1 comment:
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
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